Our Mission

Bird Safe Hampton Roads is a partnership led by the Cape Henry Audubon Society with multiple organizations and concerned community members working to make Hampton Roads safer for birds that live in our area or pass through during the annual spring and fall migrations. The particular focus of this effort is to reduce hazards caused by urban and suburban development such as disorientation by artificial lighting, building and window collisions, and habitat encroachment.

View Real Time Migration Map
@ Birdcast.info

Here is a short video about the Lights Out effort.  While focused on Texas, the message is relevant for Hampton Roads with our location on the Atlantic Flyway. 


Responsible Outdoor Lighting

We recently head a briefing from Citizens for Responsible Lighting, a grassroots organization lobbying for healthy LED light options for Norfolk.  The City of Norfolk Government is upgrading its lighting system to energy efficient LED lights, but in the process installing much brighter, whiter (cooler) lights, which have been shown to be unhealthy at night for residents, local wildlife, and our night sky visibility. We support the effort to get Norfolk and all the region's cities to install warmer, lower intensity LED lights, especially in residential areas and areas near parks and natural areas.

Dark Sky International has an excellent primer on Responsible outdoor lighting discussing the issue and their Five Principles for better lighting.  

To volunteer email Patricia Scanlon at pescanlon@cox.net